Monday, September 14, 2009

Summers End

Well the summer has come and gone already. So sad, but I love the fall weather. We were unable to take a summer vacation this year due to the fact that the only person on the planet that can cover for me at work, is out on a six month medical leave. No one seems to have sympathy for me because I hardly work any way, but it would have been nice to go away for at least a week. We did a few day trips to the beach, and to the aquarium in Boston. We went to Six Flags once a week, and just hung out in the play land we have in our back yard. We did some backyard camp outs, with camp fires and smores.

The girls kept busy with their horseback riding lessons, Paige's Piano lessons, and play dates with their friends.

The total chaos of the start of the school year has begun, and I am starting to feel stressed already. I drop both girls off at the Boys and Girls club on Mondays and Fridays. Joce goes to preschool there, and they have a before school program there that Paige goes to. My mom puts Paige on the bus for me on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and watches Jocelyn for me on those days because her school is M,W,F. Wednesdays are my day off so I put Paige on the buss and drop Joce off at school then I have the hole day to my self. I have been taking a nice long run, and I get all my cleaning, and shopping done. I am able to pick the girls up from school every day because I only work until 12:00. On Mondays the girls have Horseback riding @ 4:00 so I Pick up Paige @ 3:00 then to Joce's school to get her, home to change and a quick snack and off we go. Tuesday Paige has Piano, and Thursday both girls have Gymnastics so we are there for 2 hours. This is the story of my life.

The birthday party invitations from friends at school have already started coming fast and furious. We end up having a birthday party both sat and sun every weekend. I think I will have to put an end to this. My bank account can't handle it.

Brian is still loving his job at Atlas Copco (NOT). He goes flying his little airplanes when ever he gets the chance.

I am still working on my saltwater fish tank and will be getting my seahorses very soon.

Our 10 year anniversary is just around the corner and we are planning a weekend get away to a horse ranch in VT. If anyone wants to come watch all our animals please let me know. I will pay!!

As for our house, we don't have any projects going on right now, but I really want Brian to vault the ceiling in our family room. I'm not sure if he can handle it, but I will keep working on him. Wish me luck!!

Thursday, July 2, 2009


We are still patiently waiting for some nice summer weather. School has ended and some of our activities are done for the season. No more soccer or gymnastics until the fall. Paige got a great report card, and has finally stopped sucking her thumb so to reward her we bought her the Nintendo DS she has been begging for. Jocelyn is not so easy to bribe. We are trying to keep busy. We have Six Flags season passes and plan on going every Wednesday. We visited the Holyoke children's museum, which was a lot of fun.

The girls love to have me paint their faces. I'm thinking of going into business doing birthday parties.

Brian and I are working on setting up a Saltwater fish tank and we plan on getting a pair of sea horses in the near future. It is much more complicated, and expensive than I ever thought it would be, but will be well worth the work in the end.

Jocelyn has been having problems with her teeth since she was 3, and now has to have a filling and 2 baby root canals. We have found a dentist we really love, and we are hoping it will go well.

Paige is still taking Piano lessons, and is getting really good. She even sings the songs while she is playing. She is really getting into it.

The girls have started horseback riding lessons, and so far they really love it. When the are comfortable enough on the horses, we plan on going trail riding as a family. Brian has found some places in Vermont that have really nice trails.

We hope everyone has a great summer!!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Happy Easter!!!!

Well another holiday has come and gone. We hope everyone had a great Easter!!! The holidays are so much more enjoyable to us with children. It is so much fun to see them get so excited, weather it's decorating, or waiting for the Easter bunny, they just enjoy every bit of it. We had Easter at our house this year. It was not a huge crowd, but it was nice.
We had Kim and Owen living with us for the week. Her and TJ have decided they are better off apart, and they have sold their condo. Kim is now living with my parents, and TJ is looking for his own place. We enjoyed having Kim and Owen for the week they were with us and we enjoyed having them with us on Easter morning. It was fun to watch the kids open their Easter baskets, and hunt for Easter eggs.
We are eagerly awaiting the warm weather. Paige had her first soccer practice and we froze for an hour watching her play. I'm sure summer will soon be here and we will be complaining that it is too hot. We are Enjoying April vacation. We went to the movies today and we have some play dates and a sleep over with grandma and grandpa planed for this week. Oh the fun of it all. Well until next time, everyone enjoy the spring!!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Gym Meet and Swimming

Not much new around here. We are trying to enjoy the nice weather we have been having. Paige had her first Gymnastics meet this month. She did really well. She makes us proud. She has also had 3 swimming birthday parties. Apparently its the thing to do these days. She can now swim all by herself with no floats. Jocelyn is not far behind. She can jump in and go under. We have two little fish. Here are some pics of the meet and Swimming.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Our new nephew

We are happy to welcome a new little member to the family. My brother Todd and his wife Dara had another little boy born March 2nd. They named him Michael Alfred LaPlante. He weighed in at a healthy 8lbs 6oz and was 21 inches long. He is as cute as can be. His big brother Jeffrey adores him.
On not such a happy note, Brian's company announced a 5% company wide pay cut. Although this really sucks, we are just thankful to both have jobs at this point.
We have been keeping busy with the girls activities. We have been going swimming lately, getting ready for the nice weather, if it ever comes. We hope everyone is keeping healthy, which can be challenging this time of year. Both of the girls had pneumonia this winter along with about 100 other little illnesses. Did I mention I can't wait for spring!

                                            Pics of Michael and Swimming

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Birthday Party #2

Well the girls had another great birthday party this past weekend.  We had a party at our house for family and close friends.  We want to thank everyone who came and made our special day even more special.  The girls had a great time.  We made our own cakes and pinatas, and we bought a face painting book and painted some of the kids faces.  I have attached some pictures of the party and of the girls in the past month.    

                                            Pics of the party and Joce at the gym

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Happy Birthday!!!!!

The girls had a great time at their birthday party.  It was held at Thompsons Gymnastics center where the girls have been taking lessons.  The girls invited there friends from school and we had a great turn out.  I have attached some pictures of the party and of the girls enjoying some of their gifts after the party.